The unemployed will be deprived of subsidies

The unemployed will be deprived of subsidies
Today, 10:01
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In Ukraine continues the second year of a screening of recipients of subsidies.
Unemployed Ukrainians who are registered in employment centers, frightened by the news that their are deliberately deprived of subsidies. Internet sites spread information that they are deliberately removed from the register. People, allegedly, offer all sorts of jobs that do not fit. But under the new rules, if the person long time does not want to be employed, will not be eligible to receive the subsidy.
This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”.
300 thousand unemployed are registered in employment centers. And not everyone will find a suitable job. And who will be a long time to sort out among vacancies shall lose the status of unemployed.
See also:
A register of all recipients of grants made available online
“The refusal of two suitable job options people removed from the register because the person does not want to work,” – explains the head of the employment center Tatiana talker.
This means automatic loss of unemployment benefits, and even more – the opportunity to receive a subsidy.
“If a person of working age wants to work, not perekvalifitsiruetsya, such person to grant,” said the head of the Directorate of family and social support Ministry of social policy Vitaly muzichenko.
In General, prior to the completion of the heating season subsidy received nearly 7 million families. In 2018 poor compensation for communal will cost 71 billion hryvnia. This is almost the amount of the defense budget. A significant portion of these costs, the state could save.
See also:
The subsidies might take in excess of 7 billion hryvnia – Reva
“There are different situations: a person could lose their job, and 2-3 months, six months, to seek, to be registered in the employment center, but if a person decades shows the lack of income, a natural question arises, not whether it receives shadow income. So today all these people we additionally check,” explains Muzychenko.
A thorough sifting of subsidianes pretty strained those who are registered at employment centers. People worry that the government is specifically trying to reduce the number of official unemployed to save on payments.
“I categorically deny these things. No the MC no. On the contrary there is a great desire of man to find a job. We do not grow the long-term unemployed”, – said the acting Chairman of the State employment service Valery Yaroshenko.
Therefore, the unemployed who through employment centers are really trying to find a job – nothing to fear. And for those who intentionally uses this status to gain benefits, you should think. The Ministry strictly sifts subsidianes comfortable. This fall, their schedules will be reviewed again – for the second time this year. Before this procedure is carried out once a year.
Videopoem unemployed Ukrainians are afraid to remain without subsidies
Unemployed Ukrainians who are registered in employment centers, frightened by the news that their are deliberately deprived of subsidies. Internet sites spread information that their intention to retire. People claim to offer all sorts of unsuitable jobs. But under the new rules if the person long time does not want to find a job, he will not be eligible to receive the subsidy. Breakfast decided to check whether this is so.
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