In Ukraine two times increased the minimum child support

In Ukraine two times increased the minimum child support
© National Bank of Ukraine
Today, 11:07
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Legally the responsibility for creating obstacles in communicating with the child.
In Ukraine doubled the minimum size of the alimony – from 900 to 1800 UAH (up to the subsistence minimum for a child of appropriate age).
About it it is spoken in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”.
In addition, the arrears in child payments accrue interest. If the debt is child support is more than a year, the payment will rise by 20% over two years – 30%. And for debt more than three years will have to pay half more.
Video settings Ukraine increased the minimum size of the alimony – Economic news
Gas for the population will not go up. At least until October 1 of this year. The decision adopted by the Ukrainian government. In Ukraine will change the construction requirements for the size of the Windows. As reported in the Ministry of regional development, according to the updated national standards, the size of the Windows will be calculated depending on the length of a day in the region. In Ukraine doubled the minimum size of the alimony – from 900 to 1800 hryvnia. In addition, the debt for child payments accrue interest.
Snidanok 1+1
Today, 09:20
Also, legally the responsibility for creating obstacles in communicating with the child; introduced the need to present a certificate of no debt for more than 6 months for applicants for public positions; introduced incentives for parents to invest in the development of their children; increased control over where the money goes that is paid to the interests of the child; equal rights to education and the possibility of going abroad with the child of both parents, who faithfully perform their duties.
From the beginning of toughening of responsibility for non-payment of alimony, and this is 6 months, half a million children were able to get the unpaid money. It is 2 billion 700 million UAH.
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