Small and medium businesses will soon have to save Kinah

Small and medium businesses could save the Ukrainian economy from the crisis, increase revenues and attract investment. So says Chairman of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs Anatoliy Kinakh, said in the story TSN.19:30.

The expert notes that in developed countries, small private sector is key to the economy, while in Ukraine, soon he will have to save, because the new minimum wage, increased fines and changes in the tax code have increased the pressure on him. Due to the requirement to pay taxes, even when the company has already closed more than 200 thousand Popov.

Business representatives urged officials to reduce the pressure and develop a strategy for business development. “It is necessary to introduce a transition period. It is unacceptable that in the future was the tax rate that an entrepreneur who seasonal is not working, temporarily not working. And undeniably complex measures: access to credit, the inadmissibility of penalties, reducing the cost of credit resources”, – said Kinakh.

