Flynn has unveiled details of a controversial conversation with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation – mass media

Former adviser to US President Donald trump on national security, Michael Flynn said that during talks with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak they did not discuss the sanctions, but the fact of deportation from the United States 35 Russian diplomats.

This writes the Daily Caller.

“That’s what it turned out. Basically, it was: “Look, I know it happened. We all learn” he said.

“I never said anything like: “We’re going to reconsider sanctions” or something like that”, says Flynn.

He’s far more concerned about leaks to the media of classified information, particularly on negotiations of politicians. Such actions Flynn called a criminal offence.

See also:

The expert is convinced that Flynn’s resignation will help to extend sanctions against Russia

We will remind, the adviser of the President of the United States Donald trump on national security, Michael Flynn, resigned. It is reported by CNN, citing sources in the White house.

In his statement on the dismissal Flynn pointed out that “not fully informed Vice-President Mike Pence and others about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador”.

See also:

The US administration explained claims to Flynn

“I sincerely apologized to the President and Vice President, they accepted my apology,” — said in a statement. Acting in this position appointed a retired General Keith Kellogg.

