Ukraine announced Russia “reball” the court in the Hague
Russian officials for three hours in the best traditions of the Kremlin propaganda were offered to the judges in the Hague fakes about the situation in Crimea and the Donbass. The events of the Maidan was called a bloody coup and overthrow of the legitimate government, Crimeans because of the oppression of Russian-speaking asked for protection from Russia, and in Ukraine there is a civil war, says the story TSN.19:30.
Among other theses of the speech of the representative of the Russian Federation Ilya Rogachev in the international court of justice it is worth noting the statement about the absence of armed support for Syrian terrorists, allegedly found them in the mines of old Soviet weapons and getting into flight Malaysian airlines MH17 with a missile fired from territory controlled by the APU, though the results of the international investigation clearly suggest otherwise. Outraged by such statements relatives of the victims came to the courthouse because they do not have any doubt that Russia should be held accountable for the downed fighters controlled the plane. “We seek the truth and nothing but the truth. And this court will be useful in the Russian accusations that it is a crime for which she must answer,” said Thomas Schansman, who lost in the tragedy of his son.