The court refused the “savings Bank” in the recovery of 1.5 billion hryvnia with “uz”

The economic court of Kyiv has rejected public joint-stock company “Sberbank” in the recovery of PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” almost UAH 1.5 billion.

Reports a press about it-service of Prosecutor’s office of Kyiv.

“To protect the interests of the state and preventing the illegal collection of a significant amount of funds from enterprises whose sole shareholder is the state represented by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Kyiv Prosecutor’s office made the entry in consideration of the abovementioned case”, – noted in Prosecutor’s office.

In particular, “Sberbank”, which is a 100% subsidiary of the Russian Sberbank, has addressed in court with the claim about collecting of these funds as debt under the credit agreement.

We are talking about the contract signed between the Bank and the state enterprise “Donetsk railway” in 2011.

However, in connection with the stay of “the Donetsk railroad” in the state of termination, the Bank decided arbitrarily to recover this debt from “Ukrzaliznytsya”.

Ultimately, the court agreed with the arguments of the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s office and refused to Bank satisfaction of claim requirements.

See also:

Groisman supported the idea of imposing sanctions against Sberbank

