Poroshenko told, when the people of Crimea and Donbass will be able to use bezveza

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko during a press conference in Kyiv said that the inhabitants of the occupied territories will be able to take advantage of a visa-free regime with the EU after the return of Ukrainian sovereignty over the Crimea and Donbas.
“First of all – whether the Ukrainians of Donbass and Crimea will be able to take advantage of a visa-free regime… I truly believe that I can. Then, when the Crimea and the Donbass will return to Ukraine, when Ukrainian sovereignty will be restored,” – said the head of state.
He added that these advantages will benefit internally displaced persons following the appropriate procedure.
“And we have a very responsible attitude to every biometric passport, which is issued by the Ukrainian authorities”, – summed up the guardian.
Recall that on 11 may the Council of Ministers of the European Union adopted the final decision on visa-free regime for Ukraine. It was the final authority in permit Ukrainians to cross the border without visas. Now it remains only to wait when the decision will come into effect and mechanisms for the implementation of a visa-free regime will be tested in action.