The Cabinet has forbidden to assign subsidies at the same time for places of registration and actual residence

The Cabinet allowed when assigning subsidies to pay for communal record income for the previous two quarters and forbidden to assign subsidies at the same time at the place of registration and place of actual residence.

The decision was taken at a government meeting, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”.

In particular, now that funding is granted on the basis of the average monthly gross income per household for the 4th quarter as it was before, and for the previous 2.

Also, the government has determined that the grant cannot be assigned simultaneously at the place of registration and place of actual residence.

The Cabinet has established that the subsidy is not granted for the following period, if there is a two-month debt for utility services in the amount of 340 UAH.

Meanwhile, had been prescribed the need for citizens who receive a subsidy, within one month to inform the authority of social protection about the end of the period of registration of place of residence.

See also:

The government promises subsidies to the owners of the heating furnace and not touch the gas prices

We will remind, in the government called the timing of the payment of compensation. Ukrainians who heat their homes with gas or with electricity and received subsidies in the past heating season, have until 1 September to submit to the social security authorities of a statement of receipt of these funds. The amount will be up to 700 UAH.

The compensation payments themselves will hold until the end of October or beginning of November, roughly the beginning of the new heating season. This was stated by Minister of social policy Andrei Reva, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”.

The total amount that you intend to use on the monetization of subsidies will amount to UAH 1.3 bn. In General, to exercise the right to obtain compensation about two million Ukrainian families.

Videosto should know about grants for the following year

Snidanok 1+1

28 Jul, 08:37

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