With ramming and gunfire in Kiev patrol in hot pursuit caught a gang of “burglar”

Shooting during the detention of the appartment happened in Kiev. The woman came home in the Shevchenko district of the capital, came across a gang of thieves, according to a story TSN.19:30.

Those threatened her with a knife and fled with money and things. The woman called the police, and the patrol nazionali thieves. The criminals rammed the car of the cops, in response, the militiamen opened fire – two fugitives wounded three others were taken intact. Investigators say that the gang “lit up” is not the first time.

Yesterday in the capital, three unknown persons attacked the businessman in order to select a bag with money. With him were knives and guns, but despite this, the victim began to resist. The victim was hospitalized in stable condition, his life threatens nothing.

Video settings the Kiev law enforcement officers with the shooting, arrested a gang of thieves

TSN. 19:30

Yesterday, 20:43

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