The Prosecutor’s office investigates against Poklonskaya two criminal proceedings

The Prosecutor General’s office is investigating against former”Prosecutor” of the occupied Crimea Natalia Polonskaya two criminal proceedings: of treason, and banning of the Mejlis.

This was announced by the Prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Gunduz Mammadov, reports UNIAN.

“Against Poklonskaya criminal proceedings held by the General Prosecutor of Ukraine, but we also have some episodes related to it. Since we are still undecided with suspicion, we do not send these materials to the Prosecutor General for enterprises,” said he.

In addition, the Crimean Prosecutor’s office is investigating the involvement of Poklonskaya to ban the Majlis, so soon will be a corresponding suspicion.

Mamedov suggested that after this the two proceedings against the current “deputatka” illegitimate state Duma may combine.

See also:

In Russia began to check Transparency International after a complaint Poklonskaya

Recall that the organization for the fight against corruption Transparency International called on the illegitimacy of the state Duma of the Russian Federation to withdraw the mandate with the so-called Russian deputatka Natalia Polonskaya, if confirmed information about her nezadeklarovanoho apartment in occupied Donetsk.

The Russian branch of the fighters reported that the former “Prosecutor” of the Crimea is occupied by two service apartments, one Deputy in the Russian capital Moscow, and prosecutors in Simferopol, although it does not occupy this position.

The third apartment Poklonskaya 29.9 square meter of TI found in the Ukrainian state register of property rights. Was she Dubrovsky Natalya Vladimirovna (Dubrovskaya’s maiden name Polonskaya), who was born on the same day that Poklonski.

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