Black Friday in Ukrainian. Shops deceive discounts and how to protect yourself superam
Black Friday is the day when all the stores in the US like a madhouse. This year in a very long queue stood 32 million Americans or one-fifth of the country. The most popular product – a plasma on the wall.
As stated in the story TSN.Week the color, which colored the day discounts, arose by chance. The fact that us accountants had one habit in the book where they took the debit with the credit, losses were recorded in red ink and profits in black.
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According to the brand Manager Vadim Pustotin, annually one “black Friday” Americans spend 600 billion dollars. This is the amount the state earns in 20 years. That are willing to spend money Ukrainians easily check by looking at shopping malls.
Many customers who came to hunt for discounts, so do not buy, because not all items were promotional offers. “These discounts – promises. This is the top hit. Black Friday shopping need to create excitement to people who didn’t plan to buy, came and spent money,” – said Mustonen.
This principle works perfectly. The buyers themselves gladly swallow them, hearing the sweet word “discount”. Brand Manager advises not to rush to trust, because in half of the cases it will be directly or indirectly lies.
As the experiment showed, some Ukrainian shops the prices of some goods, rather increased. For example, the jacket has risen in price per night 100 UAH. Such frauds in the Holy day for Saperov sin the vast majority of stores. Three hazards is: clothing in the mass market (and often give a discount on rewritten the price tags); household appliances and gadgets (to sell these goods cheaper even counting on high demand, nobody will). “Discount 30% looks beyond. If you find that the discount on equipment or technical goods more than 30%, even 20%, you will find that it is a fraud,” said Poston.
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Therefore, it is to Black Friday just need to prepare carefully. If you want to catch a big discount on sneakers or phone, look at the two price tags. And not only the day of the sale, and the day before.
How not to be deceived
“You can sculpt bright is very beautiful. Discounts on all minus 70%. When you walk, you realize that 70% is some two things that remained from the last collection. On the other maybe 10%, 20%, and the new collection did not fall at all. Then that’s false advertising,” – says the lawyer of Inna Rudik.
So bright and confusing advertising in the shopping center lot. Lawyer Rudick advises to sue dishonest shops. In particular, the right to appeal to the Antimonopoly Committee. To completely protect themselves in the days of total sales – it is best to know from whom to buy. According to PR-Manager of the shopping center Tatyana atajanovoy, for sale very honestly are foreign importers and representatives. They do not move, do not change prices during the day and not increase them. It will save the wallet, and nerves.
Although Black Friday still in Ukrainian stores looks like a big bubble, to find honest players.
Irina Prokofieva
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