The decline Yanukovych also began with a questionable arrests: experts in the West comment on the detention of Saakashvili
Ukraine may receive early elections as a result of development of the situation around the policy of Mikheil Saakashvili, who was detained on December 8, police in Kiev. Foreign and domestic experts predict that the failure of the case against him risks to result in a complete loss of confidence in the government on the part of Ukrainians, and foreign partners.
The expert of the Washington analytical center Atlantic Council’s Adrian Karatnycky in comments to the Ukrainian service of “voice of America” said that the stakes in the events in Kiev is very high. “If the charges against Saakashvili’s accusations are true, it would mean the sad end of career Saakashvili. If the case falls apart, it will accelerate the holding of new parliamentary elections, because the current government will lose credibility within the country and abroad. Only one thing we can say for sure is Saakashvili’s fault that avoided arrest. It’s a minor crime, but a society that aspires to the rule of law, not to be ignored,” said Karatnycky.
Videocables: Protest Saakashvili is a technology for distraction and fomenting distrust of citizens
The right to rule
December 8, 00:52
Another researcher of the analytical center of Washington’s Hudson Institute Anne Coburn in General shares the view of colleagues. “Saakashvili is an obvious irritant to the government ahead of elections. But if the charges against him are frivolous, politically motivated and fuzzy, the government is risking disgrace in the same way as Yanukovych’s government with the political imprisonment of Tymoshenko”, – she noted. Economist Anders Aslund believes that the energy of law enforcement would be better directed at combating corruption, and not with politicians. And analyst on international Affairs Mikhail Bociurkiw draws attention to the fact that even though the popularity of Saakashvili is not too high, but his rhetoric could be “the match that will ignite ready to flash emotions of ordinary Ukrainians who are tired of the failures in the fight against corruption and expectations of reforms” amid the exhaustion of “extraordinary reserve of goodwill in respect of Ukraine by the Western allies” because of “incompetence, greed and infighting of the elite.”
See also:
Prosecutors will insist on house arrest with an electronic bracelet for Saakashvili
Commentators in the West have paid attention to the purely technical aspect of the detention, namely the need for a symbolic “revenge” for the Ukrainian security forces, which many times could not prevent Saakashvili and his supporters. “Although Saga is just beginning, Saakashvili, Ukrainian law enforcement officers was nothing more important than to prove your competence after the first failed attempt of detention,” – said political analyst Andrew Bowen. “Saakashvili does not enjoy support in Ukraine, but the circus will continue for a long time”, – comments the analyst of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Balas Arabic.
Not remained aloof from the events in Kiev and Western journalists. Employee of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Konrad Schuller does not consider itself a friend “Misha Guevara”, whom he calls “an itinerant revolutionary professional”. “But I think the problem started when Poroshenko deprived. just because he openly criticized the rampant corruption around the President. With the Ukrainian level of justice, we will never know, Saakashvili is guilty or not. But President Poroshenko, we know one thing: the long decline of your predecessor, Yanukovych began with a questionable arrests” – hinted to be German.
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