On 19 December , the UN General Assembly adopted an updated resolution on the situation of human rights in the temporarily occupied Crimea. It was voted 70 countries, 26 were against, and 76 abstentions.
The permanent mission of Ukraine to the UN called the five major provisions of the adopted document:
The resolution confirms that between Ukraine and Russia there is an international armed conflict.
The resolution condemns the retroactive application of the Russian Federation of its own laws in the occupied territory and forcible transfer of citizens of Ukraine in the Russian citizenship.
The resolution calls on Russia to comply with the interim decision of the International court of justice on the resumption of the rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens on the Peninsula; calls on the Russian occupation authorities to ensure the educational process in Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar languages.
The resolution condemns the lack of access to Crimea to the UN Monitoring Mission on human rights in Ukraine, and also contains a request to prepare the second thematic report on the Crimea until the end of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly and to inform the 37th session of the UNHRC on the situation of human rights in Crimea.
The resolution notes the positive decision of Ukraine in the context of simplification of procedures for unimpeded access to Crimea, journalists and human rights defenders, as well as Ukraine’s support of the media and NGOs were forced to temporarily leave the Ukrainian territory.
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The permanent mission of Ukraine to the UN
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