Every Ukrainian citizen has more than 50 thousand UAH of the state debt

For 2017, public and publicly guaranteed debt of Ukraine increased 211 billion 910 million UAH. As at the end of last year it was 2 billion 141 billion 670 million UAH (85,62% of GDP). In the us it is 76,31 billion.

Such figures lead the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

The government has reduced its domestic debt, however, increased, as guaranteed by the state.

If you divide all the existing debts to the state for every citizen, it turns out that every Ukrainian must, on average, 50.5 thousand UAH.

Ukraine’s debt in 2016 and 2017

The debt

Two thousand sixteen

Two thousand seventeen


Total debt

1 trillion 929 billion 760 million UAH (70,97 billion dollars)

2 billion 141 billion 670 million UAH (76,31 billion dollars)

Increased by 211 billion 910 million UAH (of 5.34 billion dollars)

State internal debt

980 billion UAH 190 mln

753 billion 400 million UAH

Was reduced to 226 billion 790 million UAH

Public external debt

670 billion UAH 650 million

1 trillion 80 billion UAH 310 million

Increased by 409 billion 660 million UAH

Government guaranteed debt

278 billion 930 million UAH

307 billion 960 million UAH

Increased by 29 billion UAH 30 million

The state budget of Ukraine for 2017 provided for limiting the level of public and publicly guaranteed debt at the year end in the amount of 2,296 trillion UAH. That is, the indicator is not exceeded.

Earlier in the NBU reported that Ukraine will have to annually give $ 7 billion of debt.

  • debt
  • state debt

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The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine


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