The cost per hectare of land after the lifting of the moratorium on its sale
One hectare of agricultural land after lifting the moratorium on its sale the projected will cost 2.5 million dollars (about 70 thousand UAH).
This figure was voiced by head of the Department of land relations and environmental management Institute of agricultural Economics, doctor of Economics Olga Khodakovskaya, reports AgroPolit.
In the case of the lifting of the moratorium to sell their land shares are going about 10.4% of the owners. This means that the market supply of land in case of its introduction could be 1.5-2.8 million hectares of farmland.
One third of land users (32%) is acceptable for land acquisition is the price which does not exceed $ 500 (13.5 thousand) per hectare.
“Another 22.2 per cent are able to offer about 1,000 dollars per hectare. Apparently their desire, which is in the process of introducing market turnover was supplemented by concessional lending and installment plan,” Khodakovskaya said.
The proportion of those who thinks he can buy agricultural land for the price of 2 thousand dollars per hectare is 10.7%.
“When asked to indicate a specific price, 15.3% of the respondents indicated land 2.5 thousand dollars per hectare”, — said the Khodakovskaya.
We will remind that the land registry is ready to launch the land market in Ukraine.
Video settings Ukraine extended the moratorium on sale of agricultural land
TSN. 19:30
7 December 2017, 19:57
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