The European Commission responded to the gas blackmail Russia
The European Commission is ready to cooperate with Kiev and Moscow to resolve the situation with deliveries to Ukraine of Russian gas.
This was announced today in Brussels, said the EC representative Anna-Kaisa Itkonen, writes UNIAN.
“The Ukrainian authorities informed us about the possible emergency situation in the Ukrainian gas transit system. We took seriously this concern. And we are ready to work with Ukrainian and Russian authorities,” she said.
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Unscheduled vacation in Ukraine because of the lack of gas has closed all educational institutions
According to Itkonen, yesterday the Vice-President of the European Commission on energy issues maroš Šefčovič spoke with the Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin, who requested him “to intensify consultations on the possible trilateral talks with Russia and Ukraine.”
“As always, the European Commission is ready to facilitate such negotiations, if there is a request from both sides. Today the Vice-President to contact with the Ministers of energy of Ukraine and Russia to discuss the situation”, – said the speaker.
Videose educational institutions of Ukraine cease operations due to lack of gas for heating
Until next Tuesday will not work all kindergartens, schools and universities. This time to save gas consumption. On the eve of “Gazprom” without explanation, shut off fuel supply to Ukraine and even returned the advance payment for March. Now in the country a day is not enough 15-20 million cubic meters of gas. The government has already developed an emergency response plan.
TSN. 12:00
Today, 12:45
However, Itkonen said that the gas supplies to the EU are stable and normal.
“But we are watching the situation,” she added.
According to Itkonen, the volume of reserves of gas in Ukrainian storages now account for less than 10 billion cubic meters. According to the speaker, is “very good for this time of the year.”
Recall, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for a five-day introduced a national action plan to prevent crisis situations in the energy sector due to the actions of the Russian “Gazprom”. Russia has reduced by almost 20%, the pressure in the gas pipe, a territory of Ukraine delivers blue fuel to Europe. Also “Gazprom” has returned to “Naftogaz” of money for gas, supplies of which needs to restore on 1 March, after a two year hiatus. Also Russia still has not fulfilled the decision of the Stockholm arbitration, shall be paid to the Kiev of 2.56 billion dollars. Daily penalty is up to half a million dollars. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine has officially informed the EU about the problems with the gas pressure in the pipe.
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