In Kiev taxi driver rammed a grocery store

In Kiev taxi driver rammed a grocery store
© Facebook/Kiev Operational
Today, 11:46
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The driver says “I was distracted for a minute.”
A night at the Metropolitan birch Daewoo rammed a grocery store.
See also:
In Kiev there was an accident with victims
According to “Kyiv Live”, the incident occurred on king street., 10 (former Seraphim). A taxi driver lost control and drove into a pedestrian part.
The taxi man explained that “I was distracted for a minute.” The victims in the incident no, because pedestrians at this time the street was not.
Recall? recently in Kiev taxi resulted in a serious accident.
That night, the driver of car #Daewoo (#taxi #AA7671KA, Serova, 10, lost control and almost went over…
Kiev published Operational 8 APR 2018
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