Scientists have discovered the secret to a good selfie

Scientists have discovered that selfies have to do with the left side. A relevant study was conducted by a specialist in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience, Professor at the University of Melbourne La Trobe Dr. Annukka Lindell. See also: British scientists develop a miracle medicine for lovers She revised 2000 selfie taken by two hundred users of social networks. It turned out that 53,17% prefer to substitute for selfies left cheek, not right. The right substitute 46,83%, that is a […]

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In Vladivostok the girl behind the wheel of a Mercedes smashed 11 parked cars

A young resident of Vladivostok driving a Mercedes Benz lost control and damaged 11 cars, according to the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Primorsky territory. “It is established that 22-the summer inhabitant of Vladivostok – the driver of the car Mercedes Benz, moving from Nekrasovskaya to the side of the ring,” Tool factory “, not lost control and collided with parked cars along the road. Injured in a car accident there, 11 cars received mechanical […]

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Polutoratonny Egyptian woman loses weight and for the first time able to sit down

The heaviest woman in the world for the first time managed to sit down after beginning to gain weight. 37-year-old Egyptian eman Ahmed Abd El-ATI to start their treatment in India weighed almost half a ton. However, the procedures allowed a woman to lose weight. Now she can sit again, because until then could only lie down due to excess weight, says the Daily Mail. Video Egyptian woman sitting, smiling and listening to music. According to the doctor, eman looks […]

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American student felt the pain of childbirth and lasted only 20 seconds

In the U.S., the student decided to experience how it is to be pregnant and give birth to a child. Using a special device he felt the pain experienced by women during childbirth. Reported by the Daily Mail. The guy only lasted 20 seconds and was asked to stop the experiment. His classmates held him during this ordeal, told me to breathe and started laughing when a student yelled from the pain. According to him, he tried many extreme sports […]

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Romantic trailer for “silence of the lambs” and the transformation of a homeless dog. Trends Network

Team TSN.ia daily will collect for readers of the main trends of social networking – the key discussion topics of users, jokes, funny fotozhaby and most popular videos of the last days. Today, April 21, Internet users watched a trailer for “silence of the lambs,” which was turned into a romantic Comedy, and admired the transformation of a stray dog, which after treatment was a real beauty. Over a million views put together a video with a tiny hippopotamus who […]

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