Dog loyalty: in Turkey, the dog does not come to terms with the death of the owner and guarding his grave every day

In Turkey, in the province of Bursa, the dog came every day to the grave of his master and guards it for several hours, writes the Daily Mail. See also: In Chernihiv among dogs chose therapists for sick children Cesur (which translates to “brave” Turkish) did not depart from the tomb the host, Mehmet Ilhan and during the funeral. He went all the way to the cemetery and watched as the man escorted on his last journey. After the death […]

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What is actually Obama said Trump. The Network has shown a parody of the inauguration of the U.S. President

On a humorous Youtube channel Bad Lip Reading appeared a parody of the inauguration of U.S. President Donald trump. The anonymous author applied to the image of funny remarks, which correspond to the movements of the lips characters. See also: Touching moments: Ivanka trump showed a cute video with her baby in the White house The video includes footage with trump meeting with the 44th US President Barack Obama, who allegedly said to him: “You suck” (“You suck”), and also […]

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Terrible clothes from human skin and a flash mob with the cutest animals. Trends Network

Team TSN.ia daily will collect for readers of the main trends of social networking – the key discussion topics of users, jokes, funny fotozhaby and most popular videos of the last days. Today, January 26, the Network is gaining popularity video with the skier David Stratton, who survived after falling from 40-meter height and had not received any injuries. Touched users of video with an American teacher who shaved his head to support one of their students. In Instagram users […]

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Touching moments: Ivanka trump showed a cute video with her baby in the White house

The daughter of the President of the United States Ivanka trump published in heartwarming Instagram video with her 10-month-old son Theodore at the White house. See also: Businesswoman, model and daddy’s girl. What is known about Ivanka trump The camera recorded as he first crawled, and it happened in the building of the presidential administration.   Video posted by Ivanka Trump (@ivankatrump)January 25 2017 7:49 PST “Last weekend was so much amazing important events – among them, for baby Theodore, […]

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In India caring monkey “adopted” a stray puppy

Near the Indian city of Allahabad monkey found a stray dog and “adopted” her. Live with a caring monkey released on YouTube. See also: In India a monkey saved from the death of a friend, which was electrocuted on the railway In the description to the video says that the animal took the puppy for their child. The primacy of carefully kept the dog in his hands and carried through the streets of the city. In turn, the monkey touched […]

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