Art-center Closer jazz festival announces new format for October 21-23

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Art-center Closer jazz festival announces new format for October 21-23
All participants in the jazz program, the headliners of the festival, each in its homeland and beyond, the audience already love and appreciate their work with prestigious awards.
The headliners of the festival All Music is Jazz, which will be held in the art center Closer 21-23 October, will be Marquis Hill (USA), AMBIQ (ambiq) (DE), Laura Perrudin (FR), Dennis Adu Big Band feat. Michael Dease and Andrew Gould (UA / USA), Luis Perdomo & Controlling Ear Unit (USA), Moritz von Oswald (DE), Bogdan Gumenyuk and the Philly fellas (UA / USA).
Known active cultural part in the life of the capital, art centre Closer (Kyiv, Kyiv city, Nizhneyurkovskaya str., 31), after successful implementation in may of a popular electronic music festival “Ribbon”, decided not to stop there. This month in its walls will be the first three-day jazz festival a new format which will be presented to musicians whose names are now the pride of any European festival of contemporary music.
“The concept of the festival is to show the urban side of jazz, rather than romantic, – says Olga Bekenstein, inspirer and organizer All Music Is Jazz. – The festival will be modern, jazz, and independent dance music. We want to show how much they have in common. Really want to move away from the cliché overintelligent music listening because it is prestigious, to save people from the elitist image of the product to show how versatile jazz could be really”.
All participants in the jazz program, the headliners of the festival, each in its homeland and beyond, the audience already love and appreciate their work with prestigious awards. For example, the American trumpeter Marquis hill is the winner of the International competition of Thelonius monk, his Marquis Hill Blackett will come to Kyiv with the presentation of the new album “The Way We Play”. Version jazz critics he is in the Top 10 best jazz albums of this year. From Germany come the project of the electronics max Loderbauer together with clarinettist Claudio Putin and percussionist Samuel Rohrer called AMBIQ. French jazz singer and composer Laura Perrudin will surprise the audience with an unusual combination – she performs music on the harp with the addition of electronic effects. Even some guests from America – Luis Perdomo & Controlling Ear Unit – the trio of pianist Louis Perdomo, formerly part of the projects of Ravi Coltrane. Also, it will be interesting collaborize Ukrainian musicians from the U.S. two of the project Dennis Adu Big Band feat. Michael Dease and Andrew Gould (UA/USA) and Bogdan Gumenyuk and the Philly fellas (UA/USA). And, finally, the German multi-instrumentalist and producer who has had a significant impact on the history of techno, and a famous collaboration with trumpeter Nils Piterom Malvera — Moritz von Oswald.
In addition, the festival will be a big educational program. It will include open Q&A with the artists, a three-day master classes for young musicians, film screening in conjunction with the American film festival “Independence”. The night after the main concerts will be given not only to the intermittent rhythm of electronic music at the party in Closer, but the loud and jam-sessions at partner site “the Bartender Diktat” – a famous jazz place on Khreschatyk, 44.
Tickets for All Music Jazz Is already on sale and limited in number – You can purchase a day ticket (450-800 UAH), and also pass for three days (1200-2000 UAH), in addition to jam-sessions: they are free admission.
Art-center Closer.
Kyiv, Kyiv City, Nizhneyurkovskaya, 31