Flirting Clinton and trump and the cat, who considers himself a sheep. Trends Network

Flirting Clinton and trump and the cat, who considers himself a sheep. Trends Network
© Reuters
Funny news and news that interest many, watch in our collection.
Team TSN.ia daily will collect for readers of the main trends of social networking – the key discussion topics of users, jokes, funny fotozhaby and most popular videos of the last days.
Today, 28 September, Internet users watched a video to TSN.ia, in which candidates for U.S. President Donald trump and Hillary Clinton have built each other’s eyes during a debate, and laughed at the ginger cat, who considers himself a sheep.
Wildly popular in the social network scored a video about the friendship of a boy and a kangaroo, as well as recording a fight between the two drivers in the road on a capital Khreshchatyk.