In schools in the Kyiv region has set alarm button

In schools in the Kyiv region has set alarm button
The guards provided training for teachers, how to act in case of danger.
In educational institutions of Kiev region set alarm button. The purpose is to protect each school, according to a story TSN.16:45.
For teaching staff employees of security firms to carry out instructions. Press the call button on the remote control you need in the case of penetration into the room of strangers, aggressive people. The crew, according to the instructions, should meet on the street. The caretaker of a school in Irpen Nina says that in her practice of attacks on the school itself was not, but near it often roam the drunk people. “In the territory it happens that the broken fence,” she says.
In educational institutions of Kyiv installing “panic buttons”
TSN. 16:45
5 Oct, 18:27
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The installation of security tools in schools and kindergartens in Kiev and region the government has allocated more than 24 million hryvnia. A third of these funds went to the alarm button, and the rest for surveillance cameras. They promise to install before the end of the year.
The guards will arrive in a few minutes. They have to apprehend violators. “When a person does not commit illegal actions, respond to the comments – the person was escorted to the exit. When the aggressive behavior, the attempt to commit any offense face this delayed call the police,” explains the Director of the security company Yuri Boki.
The Director of the school Elena Ilyashenko about what the institution is going to install the alarm button, found in the end of the summer. Paid for it from the city budget. “He was ordered to give the place where to install this button and all,” she says. The installation of security tools in schools and kindergartens in Kiev and region the government has allocated more than 24 million hryvnia. A third of these funds went to the alarm button, and the rest for surveillance cameras. They promise to install before the end of the year.
The TSN reporter Anton Strashko