Sleep Peskov during Putin’s speech and the dancing bride at the wedding. Trends Network

Sleep Peskov during Putin’s speech and the dancing bride at the wedding. Trends Network
© Getty Images
Funny news and news that interest many, watch in our collection.
Team TSN.ia daily will collect for readers of the main trends of social networking – the key discussion topics of users, jokes, funny fotozhaby and most popular videos of the last days.
Today, 11 October, Internet users laughed at the debate, presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald trump and forced the politicians to sing the hit of the well-known tape “Dirty dancing.”
Network spread photo with a tiny kitten who was rescued during the storm of the decade “Matthew”.
In social networks admired the beauty of the most attractive football cheerleaders in Europe – the Post Eryone and scared due to the invasion of creepy clowns in the US and the UK.
Users laughed at the speaker of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, who fell asleep during the speech of Vladimir Putin at a joint press conference with Turkish leader Recep Erdogan, and laughed because of the mustache journalist who became famous after the debate, trump and Clinton.
Wildly popular got video from incendiary dance of the bride at the wedding.