To live a new will in 3-5 years: Groisman announced an economic breakthrough

To live a new will in 3-5 years: Groisman announced an economic breakthrough
The rest of the week the Cabinet will provide Office support investment.
In three to five years , the economy of Ukraine shows a significant increase in the effective use of all capacities of the country. Among the priorities is the reform of the defense sector, the introduction of leading scientific development, the development of processing and manufacturing product with high added value.
On this day, October 6, during a speech at the International economic forum in Kiev, said the Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman, transfers UNIAN.
“The possibility of Ukraine – the best in Europe, and possibly in the world. I am sure that in three to five years we will be a successful country”, – said the head of government.
Tools use the capacities of the country Office will support investment and the national Committee for the revival of industry, which creates the Cabinet. These structures, according to Groisman, will enable businesses not only to engage in direct dialogue with the government, to assess the predictability of government decisions, and to feel the protection of the state and fully utilize their capabilities. Create Office support of investment projects, the Prime Minister promised before the end of this week.
We will remind, the government forecasts economic growth of Ukraine by the end of 2016 at 1%, and in 2017 – 3%. In the future, annual growth is expected to reach at least 4% of GDP. However, according to experts, Ukraine with proper investment and the growth of industrial production may show a more significant increase – by 6-7% a year.