TSN sent requests Avakov and Dekanoidze about the strange behavior of the police on trial in Kiev

TSN sent requests Avakov and Dekanoidze about the strange behavior of the police on trial in Kiev
To explain their actions and satisfy the legitimate demands of the journalists involved refused.
In Kiev under the appellate court in Solomenskiy district, there were several skirmishes. There now consider the case of Victoria Zaviruha, Andrew Romaniuk and Eugene Colaluca that have expired the term of detention , and who had on Saturday to go free, according to a story TSN.19:30.
However, all of them in the morning taken to court, and the girl from his hospital bed, despite the complaints of feeling unwell. The court building was surrounded by two hundred militiamen who did not let anyone inside – neither activists, nor journalists, nor even the lawyers of the detainees. Pass was only the people’s Deputy Igor Lutsenko, who through the Internet reported from the courtroom that the three suspects were detained for 72 hours on a new charge, this time with disorderly conduct. Which allegedly occurred at one of the meetings a month and a half ago.
Fight under the court of Appeal in Kyiv elected a measure of restraint a suspect in the murder of police officers
TSN. 19:30
1 Oct, 19:53
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In the capital, choose the measure of restraint VIth the Zavirukha, Andrey Romanyuk and Eugene Koseluk. From publications of the people’s Deputy Igor Lutsenko became clear that the suspects were detained for another 72 hours, on the new charge, now for disorderly conduct: a fight at one of the meetings a month and a half ago.
Lawyers say that the decision about the closed meeting is not, therefore, obstructing the entrance to the court is illegal. To the demands of the journalists to let them police responded: “the Court is not working now.” The observation that this is a lie, and lying to law enforcement is impossible, they agreed: “it is Impossible”. But still missed.
The head of the patrol police of Kiev has assured that the building does not protect his subordinates, and was advised to call the patrol, and to commit offenses. Journalists were able to reach only the ninth attempt, and the patrol arrived after two hours. However, instead of reacting to the illegal actions of colleagues in uniform – began to penalize smokers under the court. The journalists ‘ questions, the patrol asked again, on what basis should keep my colleagues, and was advised to contact at telephone number 102. If they refuse to come, then it supposedly has a reason.
See photo: Police officers thrown into paddy wagons and taken to court activists, which was to be released
TSN has sent official letters to the Minister, Arsen Avakov, the head of national police Khatia Dekanoidze with a request to explain the actions of their subordinates. While that in verbal comments in the press service of the national police promised to take the materials into consideration and to conduct an internal investigation.
The TSN reporter Ivan Grebenyuk