In the homes of Kiev to thaw gradually. Connection plan of the capital for the heating

In the homes of Kiev to thaw gradually. Connection plan of the capital for the heating
Every day promises to turn the heat up in 15% of homes.
In the apartment houses of Kiev will begin to turn the heating on today, October 12, and during the week will warm the whole city.
About it reported in a press-service of “Kyivenergo.”
“Kyivenergo received the order of the Kyiv city state administration No. 985 of 11 July, 2016, according to which the heat supply companies requested to provide from October 12, the heat supply of housing capital. Thus, “Kyivenergo” begins the connection to the heating, which will last for weeks”, – is spoken in the message.
As explained in the company, this time is necessary for safe and reliable connection of the entire city.
It is also noted that to avoid damage to the heating systems and internal heating systems were developed schedule of submission of heat in the housing.
“According to the schedule of the heat supply to the house will occur evenly: within 7 days daily connects about 15% of the capital of houses in service of “Kyivenergo”, – said the press service.
In General, “Kyivenergo” is to connect more than 9,5 thousand houses.
“91% of residential buildings and communal forms of ownership today received certificate of readiness for the heating season. HBC, ajoah – only 43%,” – said the company, noting that the quality of heat supply of the house depends on the willingness of the house heating system.
We will remind, on the eve of the KSCA postponed the beginning of the heating season in residential buildings in Kiev. The social institutions have already begun coolant.