Ukraine has launched online registration of land plots

Ukraine has launched online registration of land plots
The pilot project is to act for Kyiv and Chernihiv region.
Today, October 12, land plots, which are located in Kiev and Chernihiv region, you can register online. The pilot project launched on the website it will be valid until the end of 2016. And from next year the service will be available for the whole Ukraine.
“Registration of land is one of the most important and difficult administrative services. Each year, the Ukrainians are registering more than 500 thousand land plots. With the introduction of electronic services launched a fundamentally new level of quality services for individuals and legal entities. Today, registration takes place in two visits to the state authorities, and the introduction of this service allows you to eliminate the first visit and will only need to receive the documents after registration of a land plot”, – is spoken in the message of the State Agency for e-governance.
Promise that by automating significantly accelerate the process of consideration of documents from the applicant, the appropriate decision and this will make it impossible for any corruption risks.
See also: the Moratorium on land sales will be extended, but will create a market for long – term rent- Kutovoy
“The introduction of a pilot e-services is the next step to ensuring accessibility, openness and transparency in the land sector. On the portal available for four e-services until the end of the year we plan to introduce at least three new e-services”, – said the first Deputy Gosgeokadastra Lyudmila Samelines.
Among the online services that became available earlier, providing extracts from the State land cadastre on the land plot extract from the technical documentation of regulatory monetary evaluation, access to information about the ownership and proprietary rights of the land.
We will remind, the Verkhovna Rada prolonged the moratorium on sale of agricultural land for another year.