The rebels again disrupted the splaying forces in the Village of Lugansk

The rebels again disrupted the splaying forces in the Village of Lugansk
© Reuters
The President is a meeting, whether to implement the withdrawal.
On the eve of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the withdrawal forces in the Village of Lugansk, which was scheduled to begin today, October 13.
As the correspondent of TSN from the front, the soldiers were ready to leave, all Packed up. However, at night the enemy again fired at positions in the Village of Lugansk rocket-propelled grenades, and at 9 am there was another fire from a grenade launcher on the way, where is the transaxle.
Now the President is meeting whether to meet the conditions of breeding in the continuous attacks from fighters.
We will remind, on 21 September in Minsk signed a framework decision of the Trilateral contact group about the breeding of forces and means in the Donbass. The agreement concerned three areas – the Village Lugansk, Gold and Petrovsky.
According to the Deputy Minister of the occupied territories George tuks, breeding took place in Petrovskywhere the process of clearance of the designated areas, and in Gold, where the demining process has not yet started.
By TSN correspondent Evgeniy Nazarenko