In Hong Kong, drugged the oldest Panda in the world

In Hong Kong, drugged the oldest Panda in the world
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Panda Jia Jia was very old, in human years she was 114 years old.
Sunday, October 16 at Ocean Park Hong Kong (Ocean Park) at the age of 38 years died the world’s oldest Panda named Jia Jia.
Bamboo bear had to be euthanized, so he did not suffer, according to CNN, citing a zoo.
If the years of the animal translated into human age, Jia Jia lived 114 years.
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The zoo noted that the last time the animal showed no interest in food and lost a lot of weight, dropping weight from 71 kg to 67 kg. Later, Panda and ceased to move.
On the morning of 16 October, the as 38-year-old Panda has deteriorated, to end the suffering, the zoo staff were forced to euthanize the animal.
“Her condition became so weakened that for ethical reasons and to prevent the suffering of veterinarians agreed to perform humane euthanasia for Jia Jia”, – noted in a zoo.
It should be noted that the average life expectancy of Panda is 18-20 years under natural conditions and 25 years in captivity. By human standards, Jia Jia crossed the threshold of old age, before the age of 38 years.
Recall, the world wildlife Fund (WWF) announced that from now on, giant pandas are under threat of extinction.
The international Union for conservation of nature changed the status of giant pandas in the red book from “endangered” to “vulnerable.” In the period from 2004 to 2014, carried out a census of giant pandas. She showed that the number of black-and-white bears increased by 17%. Only in the land of China was now almost 2 thousand pandas that exist independently of human intervention.