“Gomos*Cove there somewhere.” The mayor Exactly disgraced abuse, “radicals” took it as an insult

“Gomos*Cove there somewhere.” The mayor Exactly disgraced abuse, “radicals” took it as an insult
Press Secretary of the mayor said that video proves addressing these words to representatives of the Deputy corps.
The mayor of Rivne Volodymyr Khomko break during meetings of the city Council rudely spoke to the sexual minorities. The deputies from the Radical party took it as a personal offense, and subsequently a quarrel migrated to Facebook, where the radicals also in the form of obscene demanded that the mayor apologize.
“Gomos*Cove there somewhere,” he said.
Press Secretary of the mayor of Rivne said that the video that circulated on the Network, does not mean that we are talking about representatives of a DePuy corps or any particular faction of deputies.
Khomko he apologized for the fact that he used profanity: “gomos*Kah” he said in everyday conversation, and not mean any of the party.
The mayor Smoothly during the live broadcast session obscenely spoke about sexual minorities
TSN. Wounds
Today, 08:31
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In the center of the scandal was the Mayor Vladimir Khomko. In between session of the city Council, but during the live broadcast he obscenely spoke to the sexual minorities. The deputies from the Radical party took it as a personal insult. The quarrel migrated to Facebook, where the radicals also in the obscene form has demanded from the mayor an apology.
Recall that in 2014 in the Verkhovna Rada of the previous convocation was held verbal sparring head of the “Radical party” Oleg Lyashko from kommunistami, during which he called them “old pid*rusk”.