Rich and classified. An exclusive conversation with the man called “master of Kharkiv”

Rich and classified. An exclusive conversation with the man called “master of Kharkiv”


Oleksandr Iaroslavskyi agreed to an interview for TSN.Tyzhden.

Alexander Yaroslavsky has long been regarded as the “master of Kharkiv”. Although at the time Yanukovych did not protect him nor the millions, nor powerful friends. He rarely gives interviews and monitors, not to blurt out anything extra.

But the journalist of TSN Daria Happy I was able to unleash Oleksandr Iaroslavskyi on almost intimate conversation.

Than it is still interesting to Russian oligarchs and young girls? Did you try using your friends to stop the war in the Donbass? And also why it will never undermine the national Agency for prevention of corruption? One of the 100 richest Ukrainians according to “Forbes”, will talk under the heading “Intimate zone”. Details in the video.

Intimate zone: Yaroslavl, told about the relations with influential Russians and why I sold Metalist

TSN. Week
Today, 20:17

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Daria Happy I was able to unleash Alexander Yaroslavsky on an almost intimate conversation. Than it is still interesting to Russian oligarchs and young girls, trying to do through his friends to stop the war in the Donbass, and also why it will never undermine the national Agency on corruption prevention. One of the hundred richest Ukrainians according to the Forbes list – the hero of our column “Intimate zone”.

