It is necessary to get their. The funniest kouba about the fight smartly and Lyashko

It is necessary to get their. The funniest kouba about the fight smartly and Lyashko


The radical and opposition came to blows during a meeting of the conciliation Council in Parliament.

Monday, November 14, people’s deputies Oleg Lyashko and Yuriy Boyko came to blows during a meeting of the conciliation Council in Parliament.

The radical accused the representative of Poblocka to travel to Moscow for instructions from the Russian authorities.

The opponent responded to the attack more than emotionally. He rose from his seat and began to beat Lyashko.

See also: paruby believes the attack on Boiko Lyashko part of the plan “the connecting Rod”

Another Pro-government fight users actively responded to dozens of fun coubs, the best of which we’ve collected below.











