The first “tariff” protest after platezhek: Kiev picketed NERC

The first “tariff” protest after platezhek: Kiev picketed NERC
The action was called the warning and urged the authorities to listen to the voice of the people.
Public activists gathered under the walls of the national Commission, carrying out state regulation in the energy and komuslug. It is the main regulator of utility tariffs for heat, according to a story TSN.19:30.
On the peace and what they call the “warning protest”, people came up with the slogan “Genocidal tariffs” and “don’t steal the future”. From the power of protesters demanding immediate action to revise the price of heating and to provide transparent public oversight of utility pricing. To help people to keep their money and property because of the possible occurrence of debt, the rally participants make a plan of action and creating working groups.
In the capital, activists again protested against the extortionate utility tariffs
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:16
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Community activists gathered under the walls of the national Commission, which assistplease state regulation in the field of energy and compulog – the main regulator of utility tariffs for heat. Activists warned that this peace, and what they call a precautionary peaceful protest. From the power of protesters demanding immediate action to revise the prices of heat supply and provide a transparent public control in utility pricing.
Starting next week activists plan to send their proposals to the officials. Why the congregation decided to have a day off, the organizers explained just didn’t want to arrange provocations and did not intend to break into the building. From the authorities rely on discussion and understanding. “Open up – demonstrate that you are ready for it, and then will respect and guidance of NERC and the state, and then it will be a normal competition,” said promoter Paul Visnansky.
Earlier in Vinnytsia before the city Council was going to rally, participants of which demanded a fair utility rates. On an action there were mostly elderly people, about 100 people. Protesters set up a tent and brought placards with slogans “we Demand a moratorium on tariffs,” “Bring on the drugs”, “Stop plundering public property”, “We don’t need the power that is the enemy of the people” and the like.