In Kiev, blocked the center: on the Maidan are preparing for the anniversary of the revolution of dignity

In Kiev, blocked the center: on the Maidan are preparing for the anniversary of the revolution of dignity
On the main square of the country and in the alley of the Heavenly Hundred will be the celebration.
On Independence square today, November 21 will be to remember events from three years ago. Khreschatyk and adjacent streets were closed from six in the morning.
The police are checking cars for explosives. Also installed metal detectors, according to a story TSN. Ranok.
Read also: interior Ministry warned of an increased terrorist threat level on the anniversary of the revolution of Dignity
21 November to the area three years ago came the first protesters who disagree with the change of the Pro-European course of Ukraine.
Today the main celebrations will be held at the Independence square and the alley of the Heavenly Hundred in 10 hours.
Traffic in the city center yet.
In Ukraine celebrate the third anniversary of the revolution of dignity
TSN. Wounds
Today, 08:32
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The first protesters came to the Maidan on 21 November, late in the evening. The main celebrations will take place today on the Maidan and the Heavenly hundred alley. The level of terrorist threat in Kiev remains elevated, a frame with metal detectors around the square of Independence established the day before.