In the center of Kiev found a suspicious subject – the media

In the center of Kiev found a suspicious subject – the media
Currently the find inspected by explosives.
In the center of Kiev on Khreschatyk street, where today held celebrations to mark the anniversary of the Revolution of dignity, the police found a suspicious object.
About it reports “112 Ukraine”.
“Law enforcement officers found next to the building on the street Khreshchatyk unknown suspicious subject. About 20 minutes ago reported in the explosive group,” the statement reads.
As noted, currently, the bomb squad arrived on the scene, to inspect the site where this subject. Now to him forbidden to come.
We will remind, on the Independence square today, November 21 will be to remember events from three years ago. Khreschatyk and adjacent streets were closed from six in the morning.
In the anniversary of the Revolution Dignity in Ukraine will be held 380 events. It is expected that they will participate in approximately 66 thousand people. Division of the National police and the National guard are already operating in emergency mode. To ensure public order will be involved about 15 thousand policemen and 3 thousand national guardsmen.