Near the KSCA blew up a suspicious package

Near the KSCA blew up a suspicious package
Suspicious discovery was neutralized using a special robot
In the center of Kiev on Khreschatyk street near the building of Kyiv city state administration, law enforcement authorities found and detonated a suspicious object, the correspondent of TSN Dmitry Furdak.
Witnesses say that in the morning a man ran past the building, threw a black bag and a box out of cardboard. After 10-15 minutes, the police had cordoned off the area and after a few minutes the two teams of bomb experts defused the packages.
Now the place is still working the police, bomb experts collected the remains of the package to examine its contents.
Near the walls of the KSCA was found a suspicious package
TSN. Wounds
Today, 12:44
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Witnesses said that unknown ran past the building threw a suspicious package and a cardboard box. The area was cordoned off by law enforcers, the package is neutralized. In place until now, specialists are working.