Suspect of involvement in the creation of the “LC” Yefremov did not answer, does Russia as the aggressor

Suspect of involvement in the creation of the “LC” Yefremov did not answer, does Russia as the aggressor
© Dnia
The Pechersky court examines the measure of restraint for former regions.
Today, November 21, the Kyiv Pechersk district court considers the measure of restraint ex-to the regional Alexander Efremov, the period of detention expires on November 24.
As the correspondent of TSN from the court, the meeting began at 11 a.m. with the announcement of the allotment by the defense policy. First, they complained that they were not properly notified about the meeting and demanded to take the Registrar of the court in this regard. After the failure in removal of the Secretary began to demand the recusal of the prosecutors. During the break the question of the correspondent of TSN, how many still have outlets, reported that last long.
Efremov is present in the hall. As earlier claims that the case against him falsifiziert.
“Already 2.5 years in the Luhansk region not interviewed only field mice. Comes to the fact that the investigators did not find the people who gave testimony against me, they come to the courts and say, “you want to reduce the term? Then sign here against Ephraim”. In this case there is 4 of document a blueprint,” says Efremov.
About the day of Freedom and Dignity Yefremov said that this day is very important for him and if he was to blame for the families of the Heavenly hundred, he would have apologized, but his guilt doesn’t feel.
Russian aggression in Ukraine does not want to comment on:
– Russia is waging war against Ukraine?
– Ask this question to the President – he signed the Minsk agreement.
– The Russian invader or not? The aggressor?
– I answered the question.
Recall that Ephraim was detained at the airport “Borispol”when he tried to fly to Vienna. He is suspected of infringement of territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, namely – involvement in the creation of so-called “LNR”. It is noted that the former regional can still bring charges of financing terrorism. Suspicion Ephraim handed Sunday, July 31.
August 1 a former MP elected a measure of restraint – detention. Previously, Ephraim was already arrested twice for speaking in the Parliament, which, according to investigators, showed signs of separatism and participation in the adoption of “draconian laws”.
The correspondent TSN Valentine Mudryk
Pechersk court will decide whether to prolong the arrest of former regional Ephraim
TSN. Wounds
Today, 09:54
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The term of detention ex-the head of the parliamentary faction “Party of regions” POPs up this Saturday. The former Deputy is accused of infringement of territorial integrity of Ukraine. Detained Yefremov in summer, the airport “Borispol”, where he, according to prosecutors, tried to fly to Austria.