Yanukovych will go to the journalists in Rostov after videotapes in the case of the Maidan

Yanukovych will go to the journalists in Rostov after videotapes in the case of the Maidan
Viktor Yanukovych© UNIAN
This was announced by Russian media.
Russian state news Agency TASS reported on a press conference the ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych in Rostov-on-don on November 25.
See also: Protection of Yanukovych will demand carrying out a confrontation with Poroshenko
It is scheduled for 18.00 on Kiev time, UNIAN reports.
It is noted that the fugitive will hold a meeting with journalists after his video conference with Svyatoshinsky district court of Kiev, during which he will give testimony in the case about the crimes on the Maidan.
Russia has agreed to the interrogation of Viktor Yanukovych in the Svyatoshinsky court of Kiev
TSN. Pdsmi day
22 Nov, 23:48
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In this room Sviatoshynsky court held videopros ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych in the case of the executed heroes of the Heavenly hundred. Prosecutors fear two things: that questioning can turn into a political-promotion of Yanukovych, and the Russian side can throw technical sabotage, if the issues are uncomfortable. In this case, answers ex-President will not be able to attach to the case materials about the shootings on the Maidan.