The Ministry of justice wants NACP modified procedure for the verification of declarations and monitoring of the lifestyle of officials

The Ministry of justice wants NACP modified procedure for the verification of declarations and monitoring of the lifestyle of officials
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Now the monitor is not at least some of the timing and duration of inspections.
The Ministry of justice returned the National Agency for prevention of corruption for revision approved by that authority “the conduct of monitoring and full scan of the Declaration of the person authorized to perform state functions or local self-government” and “the Procedure of monitoring life of the person authorized to perform state functions or local self-government.”
This is the website of the Ministry of justice.
The reason for this decision were numerous comments to the adopted anti-corruption body of the documents. For example, we are talking about the absence of clearly defined foundations and principles of inspection, at least some of the timing and duration of such actions, clearly defined requirements at the conclusion of the audit, the discrepancy between these and other documents that were previously accepted NACP and the like.
In addition, the document does not provide any requirements for the reliability of information and sources of information. The Ministry of justice claim that their specialists are not attracted to the work over the aforementioned documents under development or under discussion.
See also: NACP approved the procedure for the verification of electronic declarations
Earlier it was reported that in less than the e-Declaration must punish four deputies.
We will remind, on October 30 this year completed the first wave of electronic Declaration of information on their income filed by more than 103 thousand Ukrainian officials. The total amount of state only money reaches almost 30 billion UAH. The national Agency for prevention of corruption gradually be obliged to check all these declarations. Let me begin with the high officials, deputies, prosecutors and judges.
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