“Black Friday” in Kiev: how much to save and the unhappy residents of the capital

“Black Friday” in Kiev: how much to save and the unhappy residents of the capital
© Reuters
Ukrainian stocks are still way inferior to the foreign generosity.
Large shopping centres and small shops in the capital contributed to the day of the sale, known as “black Friday”. In Kiev there is a mad American queue, so the first shoppers feel lucky, says the story TSN.19:30.
Stores this year announced discounts of up to 80% on clothes, cosmetics, shoes and even equipment, but really this applies to a certain part of goods that are not even all there on the shelves. “Came yesterday. Watched. Watched. Because today, thought it would be a lot of people. And today came – and those goods were gone. Them somewhere hidden,” confess the surprised shoppers.
Black Friday in Kiev
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:59
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Large shopping centres and small stores to join the Day of the sale. “Black Friday” a large crowd in Kyiv was not mentioned. Five minutes before the opening of the shopping center at the entrance going in just a few dozen people. Visitors are surprised to my happiness. Stores announce discounts of up to 80% on clothes, cosmetics, shoes and even equipment, but in fact it is only some small part of the goods. Something even removed from the shelves.
Shopping went different people. The driver of the Kiev metro Alexander just got off shift and went for a lingerie – gift for wife on birthday. Yana put aside on this day of 15 thousand UAH in order to upgrade a closet. Vyacheslav hunting books. “It is not cheap,” he admits. “A lot of people came. We are happy. In all of the books minus 50,” – said publisher Dana Pavlychko.
Joined the “black Friday” and the leading Ukrainian designers. Kononov and Ryabokon tell you what I did it for the first time. Buyers are offered a coat from the capsule collection is made of wool and hand-embroidered. The price was 35.5 thousand, but during the night of discounts you can buy for 24 thousand. Buy cheaper and fur – from 20 thousand. At electronics stores, the greatest demand for mobile phones – they also can save from several hundred to several thousand hryvnia.
“Black Friday” in shopping center “Gulliver”: the SBU conducts searches in the building in the center of Kiev
Yesterday, 10:43
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But not quite all. Despite the announced discounts, some buyers little price tags saw. “No big discounts that I saw. Absolutely. Selective, not at all” – disappointed from Kiev Irina Ovchar. And Mila, which buys clothes and cosmetics only on the Internet on foreign websites, on the Ukrainian stock looks skeptical. “Well, it’s not the discounts, which they say abroad. If there can be found a discount of 95%, we have this, I think, never will be,” she says.
Meanwhile, in the United States begins the so-called black Friday – the day of crazy discounts. From this day begins the traditional Christmas sales season.
The TSN reporter Valeria Kovalinskaya