Black Friday at the Ukrainian journalists found out where do you can buy things with discounts

Black Friday at the Ukrainian journalists found out where do you can buy things with discounts
© Reuters
Ukrainian holiday discounts different from crazy sales in the United States.
Holiday shopping in Ukraine – Black Friday – is with the smack of a Scam, according to a story the program “Groshi”.
Ukrainian shops a week have begun to lure shopaholics announcements of sales in the Windows and hoardings, promised to the people discounts, and ultimately deceived all those who believed in the possibility to save money. Moreover, gullible Ukrainians on the holiday discounts “cut” even more than in usual days.
“Marketing so good that people automatically start to buy things they don’t really need,” says fashion designer Diana Dorozhkina.
Her colleague famous designer Oksana Karavanska, in turn, believes that while sales people push aside those goods which are not exactly high quality.
In Kiev on the day Black Friday could safely walk through the malls, no crowds, and even more fights. The fact that in Ukrainian shops, the maximum discount, 50 per cent, a sports shop gave the shoes a mad discount. Americans for such discounts and the couch would stand, but for Ukrainians – is, alas, high, which shops can share with the buyer.
According to the famous transvestite diva Monroe, the discount must be at least 70%.
“If indeed there will be discounts to match the reality, then I am sure there will be a fight”, she said.
However, the journalists of “Pennies” found a place in Ukraine where there is real discount on the thrift shop always cheap and you can get something unique.
Black Friday in Ukraine: check from the star of the program “Groshi”
Today, 13:47
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This weekend many countries around the world was “black Friday”, when stores offer huge discounts on all products. But in Ukraine, this holiday shopping has its own characteristics. The program “Groshi”, taking with him an unsurpassed Monroe, undergoes the temptation of shopping on black Friday. Finally, you will see the truth about discounts in Ukraine and find out what the outcome of the search for really cheap goods.
Earlier, the lawyer told how to shop a real 50% discount. The Ukrainian sellers have many tricks, how to sell alleged promotional product at a high price.