KSCA promises to make “correct” the scandalous facade of the theatre, if so decided by the public

KSCA promises to make “correct” the scandalous facade of the theatre, if so decided by the public
© Ukrainian truth
The opening of the facade was held under shouts “shame” and applause.
The facade of the controversial premises of the theater, which according to Kiev disfigured Andreevsky descent, inaugurated at the hem, says TSN.12:00.
The curtain was removed at the same time by the applause and shouts of “shame”. Still the work is going.
The journalists had a tour and showed great hall. In the architectural-town-planning Council, which reviewed the project, they say, made the remark and asked the architect Oleg Drozdov to take them into account. But he did not. Therefore, at this stage the construction is not completed.
Soon scheduled public hearing, then the project will re-submit for the town planning Board, and then the developer will be obliged to complete the reconstruction of the facade. Chief architect does not exclude that the facade still have to change. All this must be done before may, when the scheduled opening of the theater. Philanthropist who gave money for the construction is the Corporation “Roshen”, owned by President Petro Poroshenko.
“Urban conditions and Protocol of the town planning Board determined that the project should be presented for discussion, which will be done – opinion of experts and society should be taken into account. Before the scheduled opening of the theatre there is still time to carry out this work and perform the adjustment of the facade. We are grateful to the philanthropist for their contribution to this cultural and social project and are confident that after discussion with the public and appropriate adjustments, the theatre will decorate the city and will serve the residents of the capital”, – said the chief architect of Kiev Alexander Svistunov.
The Director of the theater in front of the building was praised, and said that it has already made some adjustments to the project.
“The old project was higher by almost two meters. And when talking about that it covers part of the mountains, he was lower than planned,” – said the Director Vitaly Malakhov.
Kiev angered the appearance of a new theatre on Podol
TSN. Pdsmi day
Today, 01:06
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On Andreevsky descent in front of the Museum of Mikhail Bulgakov completed the external renovation of the new premises of the theater on Podol. The appearance of a black square three-storey building near the old historic houses angered the public. Kiev insist that such horror and ugliness can not be on the street that is a tourist visiting card of Ukraine.