In Ukraine radically change the system of charging for heat in homes without meters

In Ukraine radically change the system of charging for heat in homes without meters
The Cabinet has approved the new norm.
Bills for heating the tenants of apartment buildings that do not have heat meters will form on the new system. Will take into account not the average monthly temperature in the street, as is happening now, and will take into account the average heat consumption in homes in the city where the meters are installed.
New algorithm of calculation of payment for heat supply today, 30 November, Cabinet approved at its meeting.
At the same time, there are exceptions. The new rule would only apply to those settlements where heat meters equipped with more than 50% of the housing stock.
“This 50-percent threshold and will give the opportunity to determine the average heat consumption in the village with acceptable accuracy. Accordingly, the October bills for Central heating, which was supplied to families in the house which is house counter, it is proposed to be counted,” – said the press service of the Cabinet.
We will remind, in Ukraine are equipped with heat meters 61% of apartment houses. Officials hope that by the end of 2016 this figure will reach 88%.