The icy breath of winter injuries on the ice jams due to snow and the advice of doctors

The icy breath of winter injuries on the ice jams due to snow and the advice of doctors
Ukrainians are advised to tune in to the winter.
In Ukraine returned blizzards and frosts. On Wednesday, the temperatures in Northern regions will drop to the level of -11 C, according to a story TSN.19:30.
In Kiev, the cases of complaints of people in emergency rooms because of falling on slippery sidewalks. Doctors say that most affected are pensioners who are not accustomed to snow and sleet. “To move my right arm can’t quite. Go to the pharmacy, there was a road cleared, but at the edge of the snow. I didn’t notice when I went – I for the edge caught and I fell,” – said one of the victims on the street Nina Goncharenko.
Queues at emergency rooms and traffic jams: Kiev comes after a sudden snowfall
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:16
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Today it was frosty throughout the country. Tomorrow to minus 10 will drop the thermometer to the North, in the capital the night – nine below zero. Kiev covered with snow, but the roads in the weather conditions are not particularly affected. Suffered only pedestrians.
Tested on endurance by a sudden snowfall and Metropolitan drivers. Morning congestion has reached 9 points. Most were formed as a result of more than 20 accidents. One of the accidents resulted in Vladimir is not adhered to the race and rode in the car ahead. “Seems not all went quickly. Coincidence. Tube, all go tight,” he explains. At noon the snow began to subside, immediately became less congestion. For cleaning the streets went 250 vehicles of public utilities. To give them work, the city has banned the entry of trucks.
Read also: the Part of Ukraine attacks the heavy snow. A text stream
Forecasters say cold and moderate snow waiting for Ukraine in the next few days. Next, a few degrees warmer. Doctors advise Ukrainians in this weather is to dress well, to look under feet, and not to drink a lot of alcohol.
The TSN reporter Tatiana Bukovnia