Ilustrirovannij officials became advisors and Union leaders in DFS

Ilustrirovannij officials became advisors and Union leaders in DFS
The head of the Department boasts excellent results.
The Chairman of the fiscal service Roman Nasirov gave a final press conference, during which reported on the work and thanked the taxpayers for their cooperation. Achievements of the current year, he called impressive, says the story TSN.19:30.
For 11 months of service collected nearly 800 billion. “Even for us, very impressive, didn’t quite expect that can do it. But can state these facts: we have increased revenues to the state and local budgets by 150 billion USD, it is 20% growth”, – said the head of the Department.
The Chairman of the fiscal service reported on the work of the Ministry
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:29
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Roman Nasirov also thanked the taxpayers for their cooperation. Almost eight hundred billion – so much gained fiscal service for 11 months of this year. The Chairman admitted that he did not expect such a result: increased revenues to the state and local budgets by 150 billion hryvnias.
Some, he thanked: “We are grateful to all the taxpayers that they were ready to come out of the shadows, to support the state.” Other reproaches. We are talking about the leader of the Odessa customs, protégé, Mikheil Saakashvili, Yulia Marushevskaya. “We are not happy, evidenced by the results, the Odessa customs was on the 28th place according to the results, Ms. Marushevska was dismissed,” – said Nasirov.
However, the service itself not dismissed all those who were under the law on lustration. Journalists counted ten officials, who retained the under various pretexts their positions. For example, the former chief accountant of the Fiscal service Igor Vydyborets. He explains Nasirov, Deputy Chairman of the Union, so he goes to work and takes the whole office. However, evidence of the work of Vedibarta Union journalists, and other lustrated officials. However, Levchuk, Ex, Proci, Privalov, Rosmos go to work, and in the corridors of journalists faced with the ex-head of customs service Igor Timofeev – he’s not lustrous, however, may not hold public office. The man explained that works as a counselor. “I don’t hold public office. I chair the Council on international Affairs,” said Timofeev.
See also: Nasirov found a replacement for the protege Moskal of the Transcarpathian customs media
The former head of Department of questions of lustration Tatiana Kozachenko unsuccessful lustration accuses the user. “The management of DFS still interested in maintaining this corrupt machine,” she says. Nasirov also said that the lustration is carried out, and the salaries in his office are extremely low – an average of 6 thousand hryvnias. And ilustrirovannij advisers and Union members generally work for free. Why are they drawn to this building, as a magnet is unknown.
The TSN correspondent Olga Vasilevskaya