It became known when in the UK to unveil plan Brexit

It became known when in the UK to unveil plan Brexit
© Reuters
The government Theresa may responded to the invitation of the labour party, called on the Prime Minister “to publish the government’s plans to exit the EU”.
The conservative government of the UK announced the publication of its plan of withdrawal from the EU before the launch of article 50 of the Lisbon agreement.
About it reports Sky News.
“The government (UK – ed) said that it will publish its plan for Brexit before starting the article 50 formal process of withdrawal from the EU”, – stated in the message.
Thus, the government Theresa may responded to the invitation of the labour party, called on the Prime Minister “to publish the government’s plans to exit from the EU to start the procedure under article 50 of the Lisbon agreement”.
The publication also notes that, in agreeing to the proposal of the labour party, the British government will be able to overcome domestic opposition in the parliamentary faction of the conservatives.
See also: the Initiators Brexit recorded Putin as its allies in the fight against Islamists
We will remind, earlier it was reported that Prime Minister Theresa may is planning to start negotiations with the European Union on Brexit at the end of March 2017.
The decision to withdraw Britain from the EU can block
TSN. Wounds
5 Dec, 12:55
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The UK Supreme court will determine whether the right of the government to announce the withdrawal from the EU. According to the plaintiffs, disagreed with the decision, is crucial for the whole country decisions may be taken only by the Parliament. The British government already announced plans to exit the EU after a slight majority of voters voted for this referendum. Officials must now explain why they decided to act without the consent of Parliament.