Friend, pseudo-mother accused her of wanting to kill their children

Friend, pseudo-mother accused her of wanting to kill their children
Power Podkupko© VKontakte/Vladislav Podkupko
The woman showed correspondence with Vlada Podkupko , dated 5 Dec.
A friend of would-be motherswho starved their children to the famine, gave evidence in the case to the Commissioner for children’s rights Mykola Kuleba.
He said this on his page in Facebook, adding a video conversation.
“We think Vlad deliberately wanted to kill children,” said the friend, pseudo-mother.
See also: Zamienie for a lover hunger children.What is known about the history of the women who left kids for 9 days
The woman noticed together with mutual friends was sure of the absolute adequacy and integrity Vladislava Podkupko. She also admitted that the would-be mother begged to save her older daughter, which was allegedly a terrible diagnosis and are constantly requested money from them for treatment. It later turned out that Vladislav had engaged in fraud.
In addition, the friend of a grief-mother Kate showed Mykola Kuleba correspondence with Vlada, dated 5 Dec.
“At a time when her son had died of hunger, and my daughter was barely alive, the girl invited her and friends to visit”, – he wrote.
As previously reported, in Kiev there was a terrible tragedy – a woman left two young children at home for nine days without care. Her 1-year-old son died, and for the life of his 2-year-old sister fought the doctors. Commissioner President for children’s rights Mykola Kuleba subsequently reported details of the interrogation of the would-be mothers in the Prosecutor’s office. According to the woman, she didn’t think children could die. The court chose for women measure in the form of 2 months detention without bail, she faces a prison sentence for 8 years.