Managing Director of the IMF accused of embezzling huge amounts of money and can put

Managing Director of the IMF accused of embezzling huge amounts of money and can put

Christine Lagarde© Reuters

Lagarde denies unfounded embezzlement from French budget € 400 million.

The managing Director of the International monetary Fund Christine Lagarde will be judged for negligence with a price of 400 million euros.

This is stated in the plot of TSN.Ranok.

Lagarde is accused in the fact that her actions led to unjustified payment of of the French budget huge sums in favor of businessman Bernard Tapie. It was in 2008. Then Lagarde was Finance Minister of France.

If the managing Director of the IMF is found guilty, she faces up to two years imprisonment and a fine of 15 thousand euros. Lagarde herself said that sure in the right, supported her and the international monetary Fund.

We will remind, the trial of embezzlement of 400 million euros has been more than a year.

