In NACP check Deputy from BPP, which is cheaply bought VMW X5

In NACP check Deputy from BPP, which is cheaply bought VMW X5
© The right to Vlad
The test against the MP Vadim Denisenko has already begun.
The national Agency for prevention of corruption doubted the price of the car BMW X5 MP Vadim Denisenko from the BPP, which he indicated in his e-Declaration.
“According to available information, Denisenko V. I. in November of the current year have gained valuable movable property, namely a vehicle — a passenger car, a BMW model (X5) at a price below the minimum market”, — said the NACP website.
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Accordingly, the Agency want to check Denisenko regarding possible violations of requirements of legislation in the sphere of corruption prevention.
“The national Agency for prevention of corruption on the basis of paragraph 6 of article 12 of the law of Ukraine “On prevention of corruption” checks for possible facts of violation of legislation requirements in the sphere of preventing corruption, people’s Deputy of Ukraine V. I. Denisenko on limitations regarding receipt of gifts”, — is spoken in the message.
Recall, the National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine reported on the investigation of seven criminal proceedings after the verification of electronic declarations of people’s deputies.