Dovgy did not appear for questioning in the case of “films Onishchenko” – NABOO

Dovgy did not appear for questioning in the case of “films Onishchenko” – NABOO
The MP was summoned to the NAB as a witness.
MP Oles Dovgy from the group “will of the people”, called for questioning in the investigation of production relative to the records Onishchenko about the alleged bribery of MPs, came to NABOO.
This is with reference to the press service of the NAB writes “Interfax-Ukraine”.
“Dovgy volunteered today for questioning as a witness in the investigation of criminal proceedings according to information announced in the foreign media the people’s Deputy Alexander Onishchenko on bribery of parliamentarians, but at the appointed time does not appear in the NEB”, – stressed in the Office.
We will remind, earlier people’s Deputy, the fugitive Alexander Onishchenko, who is suspected in gas fraud, published a conversation allegedly with Oles Dovgy, which discuss certain transactions. Dovgy confirmed the fact of meeting with the fugitive, but has not confirmed the authenticity of the records.
Before this, Onishchenko told the British newspaper The Independent as “stoked” Yatsenyuk and corruption surrounded by Poroshenko. In particular, the resignation of Arseniy Yatsenyuk from the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine was planned by President Petro Poroshenko. The task was to discredit him in the media, as well as because of the constant protests. Media antikamnia lasted 10 months and each month she spent $ 3 million. The Independent notes that verify the accuracy of the statements Onishchenko has failed.
Onishchenko also said that he gave the dirt on Poroshenko the US intelligence. Supposedly, during the meetings and recorded the conversations on a voice recorder built into a wristwatch.
In turn, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko called the false statements of people’s Deputy Oleksandr Onishchenko about the alleged existence of compromising evidence on the head of the Ukrainian state.
Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office called the MP for questioning on Tuesday, December 13.